giovedì 4 novembre 2021

The hawks’ trick to make Italy fall into a trap


Sergio Cesaratto – The hawks’ trick to make Italy fall into a trap

The future of European governance is still being discussed, but not in Italy. Italy runs the risk of being trapped in deceptively lenient rules

Sergio Cesaratto is Professor of Growth and Development Economics and of Monetary and Fiscal Policies in the European Monetary Union, University of Siena. His newest book,Heterodox Challenges in Economics – Theoretical Issues and the Crisis of the Eurozone” was recently published by Springer Read our review here

Interview by Lorenzo Torrisi

The original Italian version at Il Sussidiario can be read here

Translated by BRAVE NEW EUROPE

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Valdis Dombrovskis and Paolo Gentiloni (LaPresse)

In the week that has just ended, the issue of the future of the Stability and Growth Pact rules, which are still suspended, has resurfaced. The German newspaper Handelsblatt published an exclusive report on the contents of a document drawn up by economists supporting the European Stability Mechanism, suggesting a change in the debt/GDP parameter from 60% to 100%, while leaving the deficit/GDP parameter unchanged at 3%.

Would this be a positive change for Italy? According to Sergio Cesaratto, Professor of European Monetary and Fiscal Policy at the University of Siena, who has just published “Sei lezioni sulla moneta – La politica monetaria com’è e come viene raccontata” (Diarkos), “such a proposal could be misleading in that it is apparently more realistic. The reduction in 20 years of the debt/GDP ratio to 60% envisaged by the Fiscal Compact of 2012 has remained an unimplemented measure because it is unrealistic.

Sei lezioni sulla moneta: indice e introduzione



Più sotto indice e introduzione a:

Cesaratto, S. (2021) Sei lezioni sulla moneta- La politica monetaria com’è e come viene raccontata, Diarkos, Reggio Emilia


Dario Togati (E&P)  

Riccardo Zolea (Etica ed economia)

 Alessandro Bonetti (Il fatto quotidiano) Cliccando si scarica il pdf.



Una bella recensione a "6 di moneta" (da Economia e politica)


La politica monetaria com’è e come viene raccontata: il nuovo libro di Sergio Cesaratto

Il nuovo libro di Sergio Cesaratto (Sei Lezioni sulla Moneta, Diarkos, Reggio Emilia, 2021, € 20) è senza dubbio assai stimolante e rappresenta un vero tour de force, per la notevole quantità di informazioni e spunti di analisi che offre. Ha almeno tre pregi evidenti.